That was a great movie Max. Bruno was phonemonal as Hitler. JW are trained not to listen or even entertain any thoughts contrary to the society. It is actually very effective the way they have manipulated people's minds. They have pretty much guaranteed continued numbers for themselves because there will always be those who like to be told what to do and what to believe and how to live. I would love to see a time when humanity reaches a point of such enlightenment that they reject the mind control. But I don't see that happening any time soon. Some people prefer to be mindless sheep.
Lunatic Faith
JoinedPosts by Lunatic Faith
Downfall, the collapse of Hitler and of the GB.
by the max inthe german film starring bruno ganz as hitler, charts hitlers descent into madness and paranoia, as he looses touch with reallity at the end of ww2,surrounded in the furher bunker in berlin, (bethel) a maniac loosing touch with reallity, gives orders and edicts, that evreyone ignores,(they all recognise he has , gone mad, yet no one dare aknowledge it through fear) the only way to find out the truth about what is really happening in germany, is to listen to the allied radio broadcasts(in our day the intrernet) hitler and nazis warned that anyone caught listening to these radio stations should be executed immeadiatley, gb are nazis, and at one time i would have defended them to the point of death, why are they scared of scrutiny ?
the internet ?
if they (we) for some of us have the truth, what is there to be affraid off ?.
What Is A Cult? Recognizing And Avoiding Unhealthy Groups
by 3Mozzies injayanti tamm author, 'cartwheels in a sari: a memoir of growing up cult'.
what is a cult?
recognizing and avoiding unhealthy groups.
Lunatic Faith
Cool leavingwt! Great video. I just got his book and have been reading through it. It's nice to see him in person.
So the WTS wants paranoia? Great - here's how to help them achieve that goal
by sir82 inone of the lines in that wt:.
how do false teachers fool people?
they do this in a very clever way.
Lunatic Faith
like criminals who secretly bring things into a country.
Am I the only one who thinks this is very bad writing?
May 21, 2011 - The Rapture Cometh!
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inharold camping has promised that the rapture will be on may 21, 2011.. .
they've put it on this van that "the bible guarantees it", so it must be true!.
after all, would this face lie?.
Lunatic Faith
Cool! Now I don't have to pay my taxes!!
What Is A Cult? Recognizing And Avoiding Unhealthy Groups
by 3Mozzies injayanti tamm author, 'cartwheels in a sari: a memoir of growing up cult'.
what is a cult?
recognizing and avoiding unhealthy groups.
Lunatic Faith
Thanks for sharing!
What if EVERTHING you believe to be a LIE?
by Terry inwhat if everything you thought was true turned out to be a lie?.
what if some of the most important "facts" turned out to be false?.
does seeing your strongly held convictions shattered, refuted, disproved hold out liberation for you or a sense of doom and embarassment?.
Lunatic Faith
I notice I do still find the idea of hellfire and the trinity unappealing. I like the idea of the immortal soul most likely because I still long for some sort of eternal life.
So, I see your point
Proclaimers book and Memorial question
by Lunatic Faith ini got a text this morning from my 17 year old nephew.
he told his parents last night that he didn't want to go to any more meetings and he was not attending the memorial because he doesn't believe the way jdubs believe.
i'm not sure how his parents have responded.
Lunatic Faith
Thanks, wasblind! That's exactly the passage I needed.
Proclaimers book and Memorial question
by Lunatic Faith ini got a text this morning from my 17 year old nephew.
he told his parents last night that he didn't want to go to any more meetings and he was not attending the memorial because he doesn't believe the way jdubs believe.
i'm not sure how his parents have responded.
Lunatic Faith
Thanks Blondie, I can always count on you
Jean-Luc I will look up that site, sounds interesting. I think you're right that they will find a way to discount it by saying some thing like what LostGeneration pointed out: the WTS didn't even acknowledge an earthly class till sometime in the 30's (if my memory serves me right).
The thing with my nephew is that his parents are teetering. They don't go out in service any more and miss most of the meetings. There have to be some seeds of doubt in there that they are choosing to ignore. I just hope to say the right thing to push them over, but I have noticed it just puts them on the defensive. Everybody needs to take their journey in their own way.
Nephew just texted me that they seemed okay with him not going to memorial. Hmmm, interesting....
What if EVERTHING you believe to be a LIE?
by Terry inwhat if everything you thought was true turned out to be a lie?.
what if some of the most important "facts" turned out to be false?.
does seeing your strongly held convictions shattered, refuted, disproved hold out liberation for you or a sense of doom and embarassment?.
Lunatic Faith
I don't have any more deeply held convictions. I keep hoping someone will convince me of something (i.e. God's existence/inexistence, evolution/creation, immortal soul/reincarnation/total annihilation, etc.) but nobody can present any evidence of any of it, so far, so I wait. AFter a lifelong investment in the JW's, I am not easily succumbing to another set of beliefs, and I am currently turned completely off on Christianity particularly, and religion in general.
I promised I'd update again when my book tour got close, so...
by brizzzy inhi, guys .
book launch is in just under two weeks and there's the tour dates/locations so far.
Lunatic Faith
Awesome! I am so jealous. I like to fantasize about going on a book signing tour (sigh). I am looking forward to getting my own personal copy. Congrats on your success.